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Daily log

15 July 2015


The work day commenced with a pick pass in the eastern most meter of Locus 3 in order to bring down the level off that area as well as to remove the baulk between Locus 3 and Locus 2 . The soil remains consistent with Locus 3 , dense with organic material with small, fist sized rocks scattered throughout the trench. Soil continues to be shoveled and then sorted into wheelbarrows.

During clearing a potential burnishing stone was recovered.

Find #1: Possible Burnishing Stone

Elevation: 26.95 mAE

Coordinates: 104.99E/43.02S

Locus 3

Carbon inclusions continue to be found in the southeastern portion of the trench. However, it is mostly likely due to a small campfire from local hunters and therefore, not

archaeologically significant.

After the loose soil was cleared roots was clipped.

A pick pass was then executed in the eastern half of the trench and the soil was shoveled into buckets and sorted. A pick pass was executed in the western most mater of the locus in order to level out that area with the rest of the trench. Thus far, small concentrations of terra cotta and pottery have been recovered. Additionally, less material is being recovered in total than in previous days.

During clearing an unusual piece of terra cotta was recovered.

Find #2 : Unusual Terra Cotta

Elevation: 26.87 mAE

Coordinates: 102.75E/42.35S

Locus 3

Once the soil was cleared and roots were clipped it was decided to declare a new locus due to the amount of material being recovered, and the amount and density of roots present in the soil.

Opening photographs were taken and Locus 4 was declared open. The opening coordinates and elevations of Locus 4 are as follows:

NW Corner(102E/42S): 26.88 mAE

NE Corner(106E/42S): 26.99 mAE

SE Corner(106E/44S): 26.90 mAE

SW Corner(102E/44S): 27.09 mAE


Locus 4 is a dark brown humus layer dense with organic material. Although Locus 4 is very similar to Locus 3 in soil type, Locus 4 is a much more natural topsoil layer, whereas

Locus 3 appears to have been a dump used during excavation in the 1960s. Thus far, Locus 4 contains small, fist sized rocks scattered throughout the locus in addition to a decent amount of root material due to the stumps illustrated in the drawing on page 115.

After photographs and elevations were taken a pick pass was executed across the entire locus and the soil was shoveled into buckets and sorted into wheelbarrows.

Another pick pass was executed across the entire locus in order to lower the level of the trench. During clearing a fragment of ridged pottery was recovered.

Find #3:

Elevation: 26.86 mAE

Coordinates: 102.61E/42.35S

Locus 4


The afternoon began with picking the trench in an east to west motion with a pick axe. Dirt being being shoveled into buckets and then sorted into wheelbarrows. There seems to be a large amount of fist sized stones. During the pick pass, a rochetto fragment was recovered.

Find #4: Rochetto Fragment 20150034 20150034

Elevation: 26.89 mAE

Coordinates: 103.17E/42.55S

Locus 4

Another pick pass took place in the east to west motion. Dirt was shoveled into buckets and then sorted into wheelbarrows. The second part of the rochetto fragment was recovered.

Another pick pass took place in the western half of the trench. A large amount of pottery was found. Dirt was picked up with a shovel and put into buckets. It was sorted in a wheelbarrow.

Closing elevations were taken.

Closing elevations:

NW Corner: 26.86 mAE

NE Corner: 26.91 mAE

SE Corner: 26.85 mAE

SW Corer: 27.09 mAE

Daily Totals:

Locus 3 :

Terra Cotta: 1 bowl

Pottery: 17 fragents

Bone: 1 fragment

Locus 4 :

Terra cotta: 2 bowls

Pottery: 156 fragments

Bone: 17 fragments

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
KRC I info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Kendall R. Crumpler info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Kendall R. Crumpler. (2017) "KRC I (2015-07-15):111-124; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 75/2015, ID:692/Locus 2". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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