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Date: 11-Aug-97
Weather: sunny, warm
Number of Workers: 2
Lots Open: 1508, 1510, 1509
Page Reference: 155

STRATEGY: Continue excavation of 1508, 1510 and 1509.

SUMMARY: 1. 1508: took down a 3rd and 4th spit with the big pick (total of 10cm). The calcite flecked, fully developed prehistoric soil now covers the entire area. The pottery appears to be totally prehistoric (though washing is required). Finds included pot, bone and flint. 2. Took down a 3rd spit of 1510 (c. 3 cm). Pit seems to be defined by a concentration of artefacts against the western section (see sketch). Finds included pot, flint, bone and a stone bowl fragment. 3. Took down a 2nd spit in 1509 (10 cm). Finds included pot, bone, flint, stone bowl fragment and a lump of burnt clay/pise. Summary: after removal of 1508, we can see that the fully developed, prehistoric soil now covers the entire trench (and is the same as 1509). Therefore, the next level to be removed, 1512, should again cover the whole trench (bar 1510). There appears to be a line of stones coming up with an ash layer along the southern section, along with a line of stoness/stone semi circle along the northern section- to be explored tomorrow. The pit in 1510 appears to be definable within 1510 and this is also to be futrther explored tomorrow.
Suggested Citation

Amanda Kennedy. (2006) "Log for: 685N / 405E (11-Aug-97) from Asia/Turkey/Domuztepe/IV/Lot 1508". In Domuztepe Excavations. Elizabeth Carter, Stuart Campbell (Ed). Released: 2006-02-28. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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