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Daily Log

Compare with T26.1982 final trench photos, MT VII pg .

June 9, 1983


  • Tile: 6
  • Pottery: 6

The sand covering the "floor" in meters P-W/74-82 was removed, exposing the "floor," "column" bases, and area left unexcavated last year.  The tiles and rock packing in meters M,N,O/77-82 also continued to be cleaned of the sand covering.  The sand is being placed in a separate pile and is being saved for later use.  Note that meters N,O/81,82 now appear to resemble the "floor," whereas last year this was uncertain.

The grass around the perimeter of the trench was cleaned down and the grass and leaves in meters R-W/65-73 was cleaned.

The baulk between meters T/U-65-67 was taken down to the level of the soil covering the area excavated last year (~60cm).  One pottery box and one cassetta of tile were recovered.  Note that there is a dark burn layer of soil in this area

at ~60cm.  Meters T/U-73,72 were also removed.

Also the baulk between meters 73/74/U,V,W was taken down to the level of the soil covering the area excavated last year (~45cm).  There was some bucchero but on the whole not much pottery.  Some pithos fragments were found.  Significant to note is there was no ivory found.  A concentration of ivory guilloche was encountered in R,S,T-74 last year.  Perhaps wer are just not deep enough yet in the baulk.  One cassetta of tile was collected.

The baulk between meters 73/74-R,S was taken to the level of the unexcavated soil in meters R,S-74 (~30-40cm).  A fine piece of bucchero was found as was one piece of fragile blue (slightly burnt) ivory which may be worked.  One box of pottery was collected from P-T/73/74.

Work moved to meters X,Y,Z-62-66 after breakfast break.  The "terracotta/mortar" floor in (continued on page )





  • Find #3
  • R-73
  • 20cm
  • Impasto fragment with stamped design (3 fragments) (One extra piece may join)



  • Find #10
  • X-62
  • 50cm
  • "Rabbit" head--badly damaged by pick--hit at least twice


  • Find #11
  • X,Y,Z-65,66
  • 60cm
  • Tile with 3 finished edges at oblique angles (found in tile cassetta)


  • Find #13
  • X,Y,Z-62-66
  • to "floor" (~60cm)
  • Worked bone found in bone box

(continued from page 49)

these meters continued to be exposed.  The following items are noted:

  1. A "rabbit" head was found in meter X-62 at 50cm.
  2. There appears to be "floor" throughout meters X,Y-62-64 and X,Y-65,66.  There may also be floor in Z-65,66 but it is difficult to discern at this point.  There are stumps here.
  3. The "floor" rises sharply from meters X-65,66 to Y-65,66.
  4. There appears to be a small stone (~20cmx15cm) imbedded in the "floor" in meter Y-65.
  5. There was a concentration of burnt wood in meter Y-65 apparently above the floor.  This was placed in a bag and brought to the magazzino.  Above this carbonized wood was a concentration of pottery, possibly a whole pot profile.

  6. Two "rabbit" jaws were found today separated by ~3m which join.  Both these were at most 20cm above the floor.
  7. A large pan tile, apparently with the entire width preserved was found apparently above the "floor" (resting on the "floor") in meter X-64/63.  There also appears to be another pan tile stacked directly above this one.
  8. The soil just above the floor contained much degenerating plaster (soft, crumbling).
  9. There was not a great deal of tile (though 4 cassette were collected).  It is interesting to note that 50% or more of these tiles have a finished edge.  Few pithos fragments were found today here.  The tile found is scattered throughout the 20cm of soil above the floor and not concentrated in any particular level of the cut.
  10. Carbon flecks were present in the soil, though not a great deal.
  11. There was a fairly heavy concentration of plaster (pooled with the tile in the tile cassette).  Some of this plaster was burnt.
  12. Vitrified material was present and some samples were carried to the magazzino.  Vitrified tiles were also encountered.  There were also tiles burnt black.
  13. The pottery included a good portion of fineware (bucchero and other fabrics).
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Document Type Trench Book Entry
Trench Book Entry Date 1983-06-09
Entry Year 1983
Start Page 46
End Page 61
Title Daily Log
Trench Book MT VIII:46-47
Trench Book MT VIII:48-49
Trench Book MT VIII:50-51
Trench Book MT VIII:52-53
Trench Book MT VIII:54-55
Trench Book MT VIII:56-57
Trench Book MT VIII:58-59
Trench Book MT VIII:60-61
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
MT VIII info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Mark Tobey info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Mark Tobey. (2017) "MT VIII (1983-06-09):46-61; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 26/1983, ID:116/PC 19830077". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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